weight loss

All posts tagged weight loss

Weight Loss Sept 11 #2

Published September 11, 2011 by jeaniel47

Well Trooper and I walked for 25 minutes and I did break a sweat. I am sure Trooper was a sled dog in a previous life and he makes me walk much faster than I would on my own. I calculated the calories lost in that walk and it was 183. That is pretty darn good! I did other calculations also.

My original BMI – 35

My BMI now – 33.8 – a few pounds really makes a difference

My BMI should be  – 19.5-24.9 – got a “weigh” to go!

My weight should be – 129#-163# – OH MY!

Weight Loss Sept 11

Published September 11, 2011 by jeaniel47

It is a day of sadness and a day of love – time to remember all of the people who perished ten years ago. I remember vividly watching the TV the day – I remember the fear in my heart. In fact I don’t think I moved from the TV for almost 4 days.  It still brings tears to my eyes.

As I go for my walk this morning, I will remember all of those people and what happened to them that day, as should we all.

The number is 222.

Weight Loss Sept 10

Published September 11, 2011 by jeaniel47

Well grandma is back home from watching the boys, while their mom blessed us with  a beautiful new granddaughter – Raelynn. The boys 3 and 2 kept me quite busy, which was good for my exercise for the week. I have to say today I was in the grocery store and didn’t even look at the candy bar isle. I think that is a definite improvement! Today I was looking for something in my car and found a candy bar that has been there over a week and it has not even tempted me. Nice change.

The number is 221.

Weight Loss Sept 5

Published September 5, 2011 by jeaniel47

Happy Labor Day! Hope my daughter doesn’t go into labor today!LOL She is scheduled for Wednesday with Grandma watching the boys Wed through Friday.  That should help my weight loss – watching two boys ages 2 and 3 for three days. There will be no sitting on the computer. Grandma has a couple of ideas for projects, we’ll have to wait and see how that turns out.

Yesterday I raked again and it is hard to rake when it is wet, really got those old arm muscles moving! Also, took Trooper for a walk down to the lake. He always makes sure that I walk quickly, but never as fast as he wants to go. Eating went pretty well. I was able to pass the candy isle when I was in the grocery store, so that is an improvement. We had ham and sweet potatoes, along with cucumber salad for supper. We discovered sweet potatoes in the last six months and found we really like them. It is a food that I did not grow up with, so never really tried it.

I worked on my next book “Do You Remember Me?”. You are right, there isn’t much exercise involved in that, but my brain says WRIGHT! I keep thinking that someday they will take off.

The number is 224

Weight Loss Sept 4

Published September 4, 2011 by jeaniel47

Another Day and it is a beautiful one!!! It actually feels like fall this morning. The cool air blowing in the windows gives me strength. It is easier for a fat person to exercise when it is not 90 degrees outside….lol. Yesterday there was no exercise. It rained all day. Today we are off to the lake lots where I will rake again. This yard has not been raked in years, so trust me it will make my old, fat body work to get it done.

Last night I made chicken stir fry with broccoli, water chestnuts, carrots and onions and green peppers from our garden. My husband wrinkled his nose when I told him what we were having, but it was good, really good and even he said so. My body was saying – what are all these vegetables????lol

The number is 225

Weight Loss Sept 3

Published September 3, 2011 by jeaniel47

Yesterday was tough. There is a favorite dessert that they make at the hospital. Oreo cookies, cream cheese, chocolate pudding, whipped cream….and yes the nurse I was working with “grabbed” the last three. One for her, one for her sister and one for me. I made it all morning without touching the gooey temptation, until finally at noon I could stand it no longer and ate the damned thing. Was it good… yes… was it worth it… no. It ruined my willpower for the day. I then ate some M&M’s…. thinking about the pool did not help. I have terrible willpower…. today will be a better day!!!

The number is 227

Weight Loss Sept 2

Published September 2, 2011 by jeaniel47

Well I joined a weight loss competition, maybe that will be the incentive I need to try this one more time. I am doing protein shakes (Attain from Melalueca) and a light supper. I raked for 2 hours at the lake property yesterday, so I consider that exercise – plus getting some needed work done. I have extra incentive of the possibility of a conference in Texas in November. I WILL NOT be the fattest person there!!! Plus they have an awesome swimming pool and it would be nice to try it this time. Last time I sat at the pool in jeans and a shirt, not much fun. Whenever I see a temptation, I am saying to myself “swimming pool in Texas”. Yes, it has only been one day, but it has worked.

The number yesterday was 230 and today is 226.

Weight Loss and Diet June 9th

Published June 9, 2011 by jeaniel47

OK, I am making no progress and my attitude stinks. Today I was thinking about all of the things that I have tried before – Weight Watchers, The cabbage Soup Diet, Atkins, Fasting, Slim Fast… is this just me? Is this the weight I am meant to be? It is truly frustrating and I find my will power slipping more each day. Yesterday I was listening to someone talk about their wife had just done the HCG diet. You eat only 500 calories a day and take HCG drops. That sounds kind of scary to me. I don’t like putting anything in my body that I am just not sure about, talking medications.

What is the strangest diet you have ever tried? Did it work for you? I need to find a new option.

The number is 226

Weight Loss and Diet June 8

Published June 8, 2011 by jeaniel47

Well I think I have recovered from the extra heat, by staying inside.. in the air conditioning! Wow this is more like July weather than June. I just have a hard time getting excited about going for a walk when it’s 90+ degrees outside. This is NOT helping! I have been in a blah mode and not really trying. It is only week two and I am losing my momentum. Chocolate looks really good and really tempting. How do I keep up my motivation? Got to think about this and try to get the right mind set back…

The number is 225.