weight loss

All posts tagged weight loss

Weight Loss and Diet June 6

Published June 6, 2011 by jeaniel47

WOW it is going to be HOT today! Heat index 100+. Glad I will be inside today. Yesterday was a tough one. As I said I worked on staining my mother’s deck. Started at 830 in the morning and by 230 my hands were numb, I was sick to my stomach and I felt faint. Guessing I was close to heat stroke. Boy was that stupid. I came home and took a cool bath and then just felt like crap for the rest of the night. Don’t be stupid in this heat! Only good thing, I was NOT hungry. We did make a pork loin in the smoker with a mustard and apricot glaze. It was wonderful, what I did eat. Being busy seems to keep the mind off of food. So when you find yourself thinking non stop about food try taking a walk, reading a book, play a game on the internet, go outside and play with the kids, there are so many options!

The number is 226. This is slightly frustrating, but not enough to give up!!!

Weight Loss and Diet June 5

Published June 5, 2011 by jeaniel47

EWWWW ick!!! This is a picture of one pound of fat! How disgusting. I will try to keep this image in my mind when I look at chocolate!

Yesterday was really pretty good. Trooper and I walked in the morning. I hung out laundry and we went to garage sales. Guess all of that counts as getting this old body moving! My exercise for today will be to stain my mother’s deck and it is quite large. It is already 68 degrees so I am sure that I will need a hot bath when I am done with that!!!

Last night for supper I made cauliflower and broccoli salad, sweet potato fries and Ron grilled steak. On my it was all so good!!! It was the first time that I have felt stuffed in forever. Need to start cutting the portion sizes!!!!

I was in the grocery store yesterday and they had freshly made scotcheroo bars… usually I would buy two, one for now and one for later…. I passed them up and got none!! WOO HOO! It was sooo tempting though…

The number is 226.

Weight Loss and Diet June 4

Published June 4, 2011 by jeaniel47

Cartoon compliments of grinning.com

Well, Trooper and I walked the track, yes we made it around 4 times = one mile…. I am sweating!!! It was 70+ degrees when I got up at 5am this morning. This is crazy! I just hung out the laundry on the clothes line and as I hung the last piece it began to sprinkle. Told my husband a little rain rinse would be fine. I am having a CHOCOLATE protein shake for breakfast, it helps to satisfy the craving. Well, the first week is almost over and I have to say that I am disappointed in my behavior. I could have done so much better, I let myself slip… just as I often do.  The old fat of the thighs is still rubbing together and that is disgusting! I begin a new week with new hope that I will do better… new conviction!

The number is 226.

Weight Loss and Diet June 3

Published June 4, 2011 by jeaniel47

OK, you weren’t watching me close enough today… it wasn’t such a good day. I did OK at work until lunch time and the chef had made chocolate cake roll…I did not resist… I know it is supposed to be OK to have a treat sometimes, I just feel so guilty. Somewhere there has to be a happy medium between no treats and having one while not feeling horrible about it. I guess I just thought I should be able to make it a week without cheating. I guess as Scarlett would say “tomorrow is another day”…..

The number is 226.

Weight Loss and Diet June 2

Published June 2, 2011 by jeaniel47

As I sit here and watch the lightning and listen to the thunder I wonder what kind of a day it will be. I am tired today and have kind of an icky stomach, so food doesn’t sound good this morning. Maybe that is a good thing. Yesterday was interesting as a supervisor gave me a bag of miniature candy bars to hand out to people at work. Now is that tempting or what! Yes, I will admit I did have one. Dark Chocolate….mmmmm. Only one, so I feel good about that. I didn’t resist entirely, but I did make an effort….

The number is 224

Weight Loss and Diet June 1

Published June 1, 2011 by jeaniel47

Wow can’t believe it is June 1st already. Yesterday went well. Oatmeal for breakfast, salad for lunch and ham with fresh asparagus for supper. I have to admit I did not walk, my shins still hurt, so I took the day off from walking. Trooper was not happy about that. So far this has been going OK. I have not hit that I NEED chocolate mode yet, thank goodness! Maybe this will really be the time that I make it happen, maybe with your help, keeping an eye on me! I want to buy pants that fit over my hips without the bulge. I want to take the grandsons to a water park. (That is REALLY scary…. a swimsuit) I want to wear shorts in public. I want to not be ashamed when I see someone that I haven’t seen in a long time. I want this to work!!!!

The number is 226.

Weight Loss and Diet May 31

Published May 31, 2011 by jeaniel47

So we are beginning day 3. Day 2 is over. I started the day with a protein shake and then I did have a hot dog for lunch, since it was Memorial Day we decided to grill. I have been drinking water, yes water which I honestly can’t say the last time I drank a glass of water, how sad is that? Trooper and I went for a walk early and we made it four times around the track – woo hoo – one more lap than the day before. I am thinking I will stay at that for a few days as my legs were pretty sore by the time we got back, especially my shins! Trooper is thrilled to be walking again and wishing I would let him go so he can catch a squirrel! So here we go Day 3, I find this hardest at work, so give me strength! Yes WE can do this!!

The number is 227

Weight Loss and Diet May 29

Published May 29, 2011 by jeaniel47

Well “the day” is here. The START day. Yesterday was the get ready day, the day that you try to eat things you know you won’t have for a while…lol. Yes we had lunch at McDonalds. Cheeseburger, small fried and the all time favorite – Mocha Frappe…. Good bye old friend. Yes, there was ice cream after supper with wonderful Hershey’s chocolate.  I have to admit that I truly an a chocoholic.. I LOVE chocolate let. I am a junk food junkie. I love sweet and I love salt. I have to admit, I wonder if I really love it, or is it just a bad habit? Except for supper, I probably have been living on junk food. I have found in previous tries at this, that I do best when I reduce the amount of carbs that I eat. This also seems to work well for my husband, so here we go. Reduce the carbs, eat only non processed foods. Meats,fresh veggies, fresh fruits. If it comes out of a can or a box, I will not eat it. As for drinks, I also seem to live on Diet Dew. Yes I know there are tons of additives that also probably not good for me, so I will commit to drinking more water and less diet soda. I will try to exercise daily, at a minimum, take the dog for a walk. Really once I get started, I love to walk. I always have. I always wished that I could be a runner, but that just never happened. I have been over weight my entire life, with a few little spots of less fat along the way. I am 5’8″ and the experts all say that I should weigh somewhere between 135 and 150. The lowest that I have ever been in my adult life was 160. I worked hard for that and then once I got there, it all went to hell. Why is that? Why did I get so close and then give up? I have no idea…

I also know that you should watch your BMI (Body Mass Index).

BMI Categories:

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Well as of this morning mine is 35. I am in the Obese category. That ought to be enough alone to make me do this. So world, with all of you watching, here we go. Once I make this commitment there will be no turning back. I will fill you in day to day on the progress and will appreciate you input on the process. My weight as of this morning is 230, heaven help me….

Weight Loss

Published May 28, 2011 by jeaniel47

When you get to be my age I have to honestly say that some times you no longer care that you are over weight. Who is left to try and impress? You’ve been married for 30 years and life is pretty much the same each and every day.  Do I wish I was thinner, yes, but maybe not enough to do anything about it. You just get to a point where it is just easier to not care anymore. Still I wonder should I accept that? Should I make one more real effort to try and lose the disgusting extra pounds… yes I am truly thinking about it. I am thinking that maybe if I do it with all of you watching, that would be the incentive I need to make it happen. Yet am I brave enough to do this with you watching? What do you think? Should I try? Does anyone want to try with me?